The Tonic Blog

Graydon DIY Masterclass in YYC
Join us for an evening with Graydon from Graydon Skincare who is visiting from Toronto to lead a DIY workshop at Oak + Tonic!  With your $25 ticket guests will enjoy a wonderful session where you'll learn how to make...
Come See Whats New!
We are so excited to keep announcing SO MANY new Lifestyle Brands we are working with! From Canada's West Coast all the way to the East, Oak+Tonic hand selects and curates a collection of products that are simply put "Some...
Social Media + Press
Hey everyone! We wanted to shine some light on the success of a couple of our Lifestyle Brands from Graydon Skincare in ELLE & HELLO! Magazine, Way of Will in WALLPAPER and Di Morelli & Kaia Naturals who were both...
Black Friday...Small Business Saturday...Not sure about Sunday...Cyber Monday Bonanza!
I think thats it right? If you are as overwhelmed by that as I am, lets just take this moment to inhale and exhale! *ting*...wait *ting*...wait "ting*....  CHRISTMAS IS UPON US!!! So as we deck the halls and brace ourselves...
A Hairstylists Take on Graydon's Matcha Mint Shampoo
We as a society are consistently bombarded with slogans and ads saying buy this, buy that...this will change your life and so on! When you look at the hair industry in a is an absolute super-plex of products from...
"We created Di Morelli HA Masque to boost the results acquired from consistent use of the Di Morelli regimen. This easy to use sheet masque promotes a hydrated, healthy complexion while working to give the skin a radiant glow. It...
Rosso's 10th Anniversary Block Party
Come check us out at Rosso's 10th Birthday this September 9th from Noon-5pm for some awesome local artisans, food and of course an AMAZING cup of Coffee! We will be on location with many Canadian Skincare goods such as: Graydon...
Canada's 150th with a Bang!
We are so pleased and excited to announce our market event coming up on Saturday July 1st to celebrate Canada's Birth Year 150 years ago! and in honour of that we as a collective will have some of Canada's finest...
TEDxYYC & Oak+Tonic #ideasworthspreading
Calgarians will gather and Intersect at TEDxYYC 2017 on June 23 at Arts Commons. We will navigate the fleeting and enduring moments where people meet, ideas converge, creativity flows, conversations spark and curiosity awakens.A beacon of Calgary’s cultural landscape, this highly-anticipated event will...
Little Modern Market Pop-Up June 10th!
We are a modern + local pop up market, bringing amazing small + locally owned shops to the suburbs of Calgary! Come check us out at Little Modern Market where we will have wicked promos and you can touch, feel, smell and...
MindBody Inc. Interview with Wil Lakatos
We are so excited to have an amazing shoutout to our founder Wil Lakatos who was interviewed with MINDBODY Inc.    Check it out in the link Below :)   <3 Oak+Tonic Team    
Natures Little Miracle
Every now and again...a small group of people come together to create something magical! This little but mighty company called Zyderma was born! The treasures this company carries not only is an all natural Canadian product but also a little...
Lavami...'Wash Me' in Italian
What an absolute pleasure and thrill it is to actually have an amazing line for one...a local YYC brand two and the fact that this line is just immaculately conceived and distributed is a close cry to perfection! You can...
Take a look at Di Morelli Crew in action showcasing the whole skincare line to the dapper and savy men of Vancouver at the Gentleman's Evening hosted by men’s customer clothier Haberdasher and Co at the classy Donnelly Executive Suite in...
Zyderma Magic #putzydermaonit
*Had to share this Blog post from our friends at Zyderma!*   Safe & Effective for All AgesFor many people, good skin care begins when they are infants. Often parents will be on the lookout for the most kid-friendly and...
The Big Lie About Moisturizers
**Had to share this Blog from our friends at Di Morelli Skincare!** Can you believe it’s almost November already? Might as well embrace it! As the weather changes, you may notice your skin feeling tight after washing and drier in...
A Great Review Of Our Hair Smoothie from Graydon Skincare!
Oct 15, 2016Thank you Sophie Uliano for choosing our Hair Smoothie as one of your favourite hair products!View the link below for more of her thoughts and to learn her great tips for using Hair Smoothie! (Hair Smoothie comments start...